Robots for kids                        


Robotics is one of the latest technological innovations, and a humanoid robot is an ideal learning tool for classes at all levels.Robotics introduces young students to engineering and motivates them to be involved in creating future technology. In addition, robotics allows young students to develop invaluable skills such as problem-solving, logical reasoning, critical thinking and creativity. These skills are highly-desirable for children who will succeed in the future. The study of robotics, by its very nature, captures all four legs of STEM very well while a competitive environment increases motivation and desire to succeed, thus creating classroom environments where both knowledge and skill development can flourish without having to compromise one for the other. Research also suggests that robots tie into a variety of disciplines. A robot is made of component parts of motors, sensors and programs. Each of these parts depends on different fields of knowledge such as engineering, electronics,and computer science. This interdisciplinary nature of robots means that when students learn to engineer robots they will inevitably learn about the many other disciplines that robotics utilize

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